Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Mirena, start of another 5 years of Freedom (total girl post - guys you have been warned)

Our insurance company approved of having a new Mirena placed with just under a year left. I'm quite thankful as my body started to show signs of all the painful things I had to endure before the Mirena. The breast tenderness, the cramps, the mood swings...just to name a few. 

So, Dr. Peahen Gandhi, who has been a life saver for me, took out the old Mirena and placed a new one this morning. She warned me that it would be pretty painful, and I thought I was prepared for it. Remembering how the first one felt (not pleasant, and the cramps afterwards sucked) I figured it would simply be really unpleasant, with the spike of acute pain as it was placed, then just dealing with the after effects.

I had no clue. Completely unprepared. That sucker HURT.

The removal was not too bad, a bit of pain and pressure, then nothing. Inserting the new one however was awful. I actually cried out several times. The pain was so acute and intense I actually thought I was going to lose my bowels. Which would have been mortifying. Dr. Gandhi was so apologetic and tried to do it as quick as possible. She did warn me before starting, several times, that it was going to hurt.

I have always had a very high threshold for pain. My tolerance is quite high, or at least it used to be, from all the pain and misery I used to experience before having the IUD placed the first time. I had become really adept at handling internal pain. The proceeding 5 years of mostly pain free girl life has completely spoiled me I suppose. 

Was it miserable having it replaced? Absolutely. Would I do it again if given the chance? Absolutely. 

That pain, and the proceeding cramps and misery I am dealing with now, is nothing compared to having to deal with the cramps (which are comparable to what I used to deal with regularly) every month. Not having to withstand the mood swings, the bleeding, the exhaustion, the CRAMPING...I will take one 30 min appointment of pain and misery every time. 

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