Saturday, January 2, 2016

Aw yeah, Starting the year off right...

Unfortunately that is not true. I seem to have gotten myself a head cold. :P

I knew I was fighting something off before New Years, my throat has been scratchy and annoying. Yesterday, I was sneezing a bunch, and then last night the inflammation started. Ugh.

So other than being a snot monster of doom with a scratchy voice, I'm actually feeling alright. Kitsune helped me do a decent arm workout with our weights, and I officially started the 30 Day Plank Challenge. I  am trash, utter rubbish, with core strength. So I am tackling it head on! The challenge I'm doing starts day 1 with a 15 sec plank. Then each day you add 5 secs, all the way to the end of Jan. It will be interesting to see how I fair as I was vibrating like an over caffeinated rabbit with just 15 secs (sigh).

I need to start doing yoga again as well, I miss it terribly, and really enjoy it when I am doing it. For some odd reason however, it's difficult to actually take the time to do it. Crazy.

Bend and Stretch with Melissa McLeod

Melissa Mcleod is a fabulous instructor I have found, and I really enjoy her relaxing and simple routines. If you are new to yoga, her videos are really great to start with.

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