Monday, January 4, 2016

Barren Backyard January 4, 365 Challenge

The view from my bedroom window

A bit of backstory...Our backyard was once an impenetrable jungle of vines, weeds, random bushes and trees. Basically the view from my window was a bunch of green, which was nice, but it was also claustrophobic, and the bugs! So many bugs thrived in that jungle during the warm months. When we would let our dog out back, we would say she was going 'jungling' cause she would have to burrow her way around our yard and come out covered in burs and all sorts of junk.

This Thanksgiving, which was nice and cool surprisingly, my parents came to visit. They are purpose driven people, and enjoy having a project to tinker with. My mother simply could not resist the call of a horridly overgrown backyard. She plucked and pulled and raked and hauled until my yard was a clear and clean landscape. That was the first time we had ever seen the entirety of our backyard.

The view is still a novelty, and now it isn't so overwhelming to think of how we would like to landscape it. Thanks Momma!!

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