Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What A Crazy Busy Life

I fail at blogging.

Well, not really. I've just been ridiculously busy this last week. Our stay in Hong Kong has come to an end, and the last few days we were there, we spent out with family. I also caught a miserable chest cold, which made me not care about taking Little Bear pictures. (He's kinda miffed at me for it -.-')

Thankfully the flight from Hong Kong to San Fran was uneventful, and actually felt kinda quick. I swelled like a bloated seal unfortunately. I wear compression knee socks to try and combat the swelling that always happens on International flights, but it just wasn't taking this time. So annoying. We left Hong Kong at 11:45pm on a Friday. Arrived in San Fran at 7pm on Friday. Then we had a 12 hour layover.

So freaking tired.

The fabulously wonderful Debbie came and picked us up at the airport to try and help us stay awake. She took us to In and Out (my first time ever!) and it was actually really good! Not what I expected. Then it was off to Karaoke until 2am. So, with my chest cold I was loosing my voice, it made for some interesting singing haha. They kicked us out since 2am was when they closed, and we headed to a super sketchy Crepe Food Truck that was open super late. The place was really sketchy, but OMG those crepes were FRIGGING amazeballs. So good! I was surprised, I'm not really a crepe person, but these were epic noms.

Back at SFO we had to wait for security to open up so we could go through. We were entertained (not really) by a freaky dude that blasted 70's music from his phone and talked very loudly to himself and threw things.

Could not wait for the stinking gate to open.

Our flight time finally arrived, and it was so very very nice to finally be heading home. We didn't realize that a Saturday flight was one of the worst things ever.


We were toward the back of a plane full of people going on vacation with their little kids. Kids who had never been on planes before. They constantly had to use the bathroom, so it stunk so bad. They were noisy, screaming, crying...coughing and sneezing balls of epic germs.

Needless to say I wore my mask the whole flight.

We are also used to week day flights, were it tends to be business minded people who know how to grab their stuff and get of the plan quickly.


I could rant forever about moronic people, but I won't. We were home, and our bed is so amazing.

We had 2 glorious days to try and rest before leaving again for Kitsune's work conference. So now in San Francisco Bay, I have been wandering about as I was not allowed to even step foot into the conference area.

Super blustery day at the Bay! Walking back to the hotel from the conference.
American Airlines has the most atrocious on time rate ever. Only 60% of their planes are ever on time. That's awful! Kitsune wanted me to join him at the conference, so he had to pay out of pocket for my ticket. We went the cheap route and booked AA with a connecting flight through Charlotte.

Yeah....that so didn't happen.

We get to the airport and receive notice that the flight has been delayed. Kinda sucked, but it wasn't too bad. Then got another notice saying it was delayed even further. We were now missing our connection. So we went to the gate and talked to the girls behind the counter. And wouldn't you know it, we got the trainee who had no clue how to re-route our tickets. It took forever. Eventually they got it sorted, now flying to Phoenix, and connecting there to San Fran. Only hitch was that Kitsune was able to got a confirmed seat, while I was placed on stand-by.


We weren't able to sit next to each other on the flight to Phoenix, and both of us got stuck in the middle seat between strangers. It wasn't too bad for me, I was between 2 lady's who just wanted to read or sleep. Worked for me. I wasn't able to relax however, it's strange sitting between to unknown people. Not like I can sleep on planes anyways.

The San Fran flight was...surprise! Delayed as well, but I was able to get a seat at the last moment. And even better, the seat beside my husband was empty so I moved from the middle seat I was placed in and sat next to him. We arrived in San Fran a little after 11pm. So, after 2am Eastern Time.

Best cure for jet lag? If you can't sleep on planes...then more travel is the thing to do.


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