Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jiang Le Dinner of Yumminess...that you will never get to see.

Back in 2014, Kitsune, Jake, and I had dinner at Jiang Le sushi for the first time. I, unfortunately, was pretty ill that night and simply couldn't enjoy it. Even so, Kitsune was enamored with the food, the freshness, quality, and how personable the chefs are.

So we made sure to book a reservation for one of the nights we were staying in Taipei, so he could once again have an amazing sushi dinner, and I could hopefully enjoy it this time with him.

An article on Jiang Le

So Jiang Le doesn't allow pictures. Literally no pictures, even of yourself, or as a group of friends. You have to step outside into their little courtyard if you want any documentation to remember by.

It's really disappointing, not because I want to take pictures of everything I eat (although I do love to take pictures of foods that are visually appealing to me), but because everything is soooo pretty. They serve everything with such style, one dish had a beautiful red maple leaf and pine needle as garnish. Their dishes are so astoundingly artistic...and we can't take any pictures. So sad!

The chef's remembered Kitsune from two years before, and made sure to say they hoped to see us in two years time. Pretty cool! (Kitsune is pretty memorable though, so not too surprising.)

Anyways, I really enjoyed dinner this time. Like Nomura, everything was very fresh and tasty. Kitsune gives Jiang Le the nod over Nomura, but I'm half and half. I really like somethings about one and somethings about the other. Either way, they are both great sushi restaurants.

We left the restaurant under our umbrellas, walking happily along in the rain back to the hotel. The evening was a great success.

We ordered a sake, (splurged a bit on it but OMG so worth it). The waiter suggested it, as it was a bright, floral, and fresh tasting sake. They brought out individual chilled glasses so we could each pick our own style (like Ryu Gin last year, so cool). They let us keep the bottle, but it was too difficult to take with us. So I shot a bunch of pictures so we can hopefully find it again.

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