Monday, February 22, 2016

Finally Home with the Blasted Cough of DOOM

The travels are finally finished. The clothes have been washed (if not put away :P) and suitcases mostly emptied. The Kitsune was off to work this morning, and I was in a crazed cleaning frenzy.

The puppy comes home tonight!

But...the puppy comes home tonight, so I have to make sure I pick up all the crap on our floors, and vacuum so she doesn't get into anything she shouldn't.

Accompanying it all...the sounds of my hacking.

GAH! This bloody cough just will not go away. It's not even productive anymore. Just slightly chesty, and enough to make me not be able to breath deeply.

To breath is to cough.

I don't often get coughs. Colds, and sinus junk sure, that is a given. Coughs however don't really happen much, nor linger.

This bloody thing seems to have a life of it's own. Honk Kong smoke and smog refusing to let me be. Whatever it is, I am soooooo over it. Drinking hot water like it's going out of style, and applying Tiger Balm liberally. My throat and chest don't even hurt that much with the hacking. It's my sinuses!

My head feels like it will exploded with each cough. That sucks so hard core.

Happy to be home, happy to have my puppy with me soon, but sooooo not happy to have this miserable chest thing.

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