Thursday, April 14, 2016

Trying to 'Lose weight' or 'Be healthier'...both suck.

I've made a pact with myself on Sunday. I've decided that before I can play any Overwatch, I have to walk at least 1.5 miles on our tread mill. Since I normally want to play a match or two once Justin has left for work, or started work at home, it basically means I have to walk each morning.

We also walk puppy in the evening which supplies the rest of my daily goal for time and steps per my phone. When we are in Asia, our goal is met pretty much everyday. In San Francisco, I was able to maintain a decent amount of walking each day as well, so when we got home I noticed I had lost some weight. So, if I can lose weight in Asia etc by maintaining that amount of daily activity, I should be able to continue it here.

One would hope.

Not to mention, I don't have nearly as many tasty foods to eat here, except for what I cook, so if I can just not eat what I make for Kitsune, I should be right on track to be able to hike and trek around Asia next year without difficulty. (It was pretty rough this year :P)

Does it suck a bunch? That would be an emphatic yes.

Is it worth it? Again...yes. I truly believe it worth it. I put my headphones on, and just try to get lost in my musicals so I don't notice how sore/hot/tired/sweaty I am. (I will NEVER understand people who do this for fun.)

I'm sick of being miserable in my body, and I'm tired of not having anything change no matter how I switch up my diet. So, even if all this does for me is make me feel better in my current body, it's a fair trade off. Although I really hope it means eventually I will fit back into my closet full of clothes that no longer see the light of day.

If/when I am able to rehabilitate my wrist and knees, I can start Yoga again. I miss the way it made me feel centered and stretched out my back. Kitsune wants me to try doing Hindu Squats to help strengthen my knees and build up some thigh muscle. My knees gave out on me several times in Asia this year on stairs, and were pretty much always sore and achy for the majority of the trip. I tried to also do some Hindu Pushups with Kitsune, but they were just too difficult. I can go from Downward dog to upward dog without bending the arms (which is still quite hard on the core) but my wrist keeps giving out on me unfortunately. I've tried to do them on my fists instead, but of course that makes it even harder. Just going to have to keep working at it.

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