Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Neti Pot Adventures...

Neti Pot I bought

Since my sinuses have been hating me WAY to much this year, I finally gave into my parents urging and got past my fear of Neti Pots. The thought of it has always creeped me out.

Why would you willingly pour water up your nose?

Well...apparently because it is supposed to help. Kitsune and I decided to try a make-shift home version before buying the actual pot to see if it was something I would be willing to do often.

Let's just say it wasn't the best of times.

IT WAS AWFUL. Absolutely horrific. I felt like I was being waterboarded. I threw up. Several times.

So, after lots of tears and frustration, Kitsune did more research and found that nasal rinsing won't work if you are too congested.

That made me livid. How the heck are you supposed to clear your congestion with the neti pot, if the neti pot won't work when your congested??

After more tears of frustrated anger and swearing off ever trying it again...I decided to try it again.

Went out and bought a Neti Pot ( I figured, may as well give it the good ol' college try with the appropriate appliances) and waited until I happened to have a not so terrible day of breathing.

Low and behold...it worked! Well...mostly. At least the water came out this time...and not from my eye socket.

It cleared my sinuses, but actually gives me a sinus headache afterwards. Also, it stops up my ears. I can't hear afterwards, and they pop a bunch. It's rather uncomfortable. I start to feel really stopped up again shortly after, but that tends to clear again a few hours later. I still feel like I'm swallowing/breathing salt water several hours after. I'm hoping I will start to adjust to it the more I do it and not have as many side-effects. My father swears by it, he has been doing it countless years. It's only my 3rd day, so I'll give it more time.

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