Saturday, January 6, 2018

2018 and Tree Bears hibernation begins soon

Tree Bear is wrapping up his 2017 job soon. He is a bit sad, a bit tired, and rather proud of his wonderful tree topping job this year. 

Going to try to take and blog more photos/video this year. I did fairly well back in 2016, and completely bombed in 2017. I just got to keep trying yeah?

Technically this was last year, but I'm gonna use it as my Jan 1 photo :D No one said it had to be the day you took it!
(Taken Dec 22 2017)
Fox and I went on a super fun mini-vacay to Chattanooga right before Christmas 2017. The above is in the falls room at Ruby Falls.

Beast & Barrel in Chattanooga. Jan 2 photo (Taken Dec 21 2017)

Little Bear and his new friends! Happy Shark and Turtler :D Jan 3 photo (Taken Dec 22 2017)
Turtleception/infinity turtle? Jan 4 photo (Taken Dec 22 2017) 
I love the above photo :D Kistune gifted me an amazing new camera to learn photography on. It's ability to take super sharp and awesome photos even in the low light of Tennessee Aquarium blew me away. For anyone wondering, it's the Lumix GX85.

The Spymasters Leighton and Anna. Jan 5 photo (Taken Dec 25 2017)
I love Leightons camera lens. We swapped lenses out for funzies and OMG. My lens is a good beginners lens, but his lens is so amazing. Definitely something I am hoping to be able to graduate to at some point. The downside is of course the thing is massive :P

Ma ma cuddling Little Bear as he is the only "baby" Kitsune and I will have :D  (2014)

On a sad note, Ma ma in Hong Kong passed away on Christmas Day 2017. Her funeral was today, Jan 6th. Since Kitsune and I are already booked to go on our vacation over there soon, we were unable to swing being able to fly over for the funeral. Kitsunes family posted lovely photos of the service, and we will all miss Ma ma.

Ma ma thought my hat was silly and made her look like a mouse. It did haha. It was supposed to be a bear hat, but I chose unfortunate colors >.<' (2014)
Hot Pot family dinner (2012) We love you Ma ma! 

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