Sunday, January 28, 2018

Go Time Is Drawing Near, and Daily Pics

"Bring me the Wookie..." King Kozmo Jan 21 (Taken Jan 27 2018)
I'm so glad to have been able to spend most of our Saturdays this month with wonderful friends. The company and games have been stellar :3 Really enjoyed getting to know Leanne and Dio more.

Littlebear hanging out before our haircut Jan 22 (Taken Jan 27 2018)
Relieved to have gotten a haircut yesterday. Been feeling super poofy lately and just generally annoyed with the length. Jill did an awesome job as usual, and Kitsune and I always enjoy getting to chat with her.

Out for some wandering with Littlebear Jan 23 (Taken Jan 26 2018)
Went out to pick up a few things for our trip. Mostly just wanted to go wander about while Kitsune was working. The sun was out and a decent temperature. Littlebear of course came along to keep me company.

Cute Little Cottage on Leanne's countertop Jan 24 (Taken Jan 27 2018)
Still practicing with my camera and the longer lens. I love taking it to our friends home since they have some many lovely things to photograph :D

Littlebear chilling in Kozmo's spot Jan 25 (Taken Jan 27 2018)
Littlebear of course came out to join the party. He hung out on my shoulder for the majority of the evening :3 Littlebear just makes everything better <3

Adorable little reading nook Jan 26 (Taken Jan 27 2018)
Littlebear helped me out while playing Dixit :3 Jan 27 (Taken Jan 27 2018)

Definitely looking forward to our fast approaching trip :3 Super SUPER stoked to be flying Business again! (All on points! Woot!) We have a day lay-over in Seoul which will be a new adventure for Kitsune and I. Looking forward to all the experiences and memories we are going to make! 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Daily pics, and tasty foods

Little Bear loves to ride shotgun :D Jan 17 (taken Jan 19 2018)
Spent the majority of my day Friday running errands. Little Bear came along to keep me company while Kitsune worked.

Little Bear approved gas station Jan 18 (Taken Jan 19 2018)
I never realized how hard it would be to find a silly Beauty Blender. Found plenty of knock-offs, but none of the original. Also went on a fruitless search for another skein of a specific grey yarn to continue with my current knitting project. So that was frustrating.
Hot and Numbing Xi'an-Style Oven-Fried Chicken Wings Jan 19 (Taken Jan 20 2018)
Today was lovely, invited our friends over for munchies and to watch our favorite movie 3 Idiots . We chatted and drank, and I tried out this new wings recipe. Turned out very well, which made me happy. Also tried out Brave Tarts Peanut Butter Cookies from her new dessert book.

Brave Tart Peanut Butter Cookies Jan 20 (Taken Jan 20 2018)
Needless to say, they were AMAZING. Definitely one of my favorite cookie recipes by far.

Gearing up for our impending travel, trying to get all the bits and pieces sorted so that packing and leaving will be easy and non-stressful.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Daily Life and Pictures (we are so dull when we aren't traveling :P)

Little Bear enjoying the really cold blustery day Jan 11 (Taken Jan 13 2018)

Kitsune and I had to run errands last Saturday, and I had a bit of down time to practice with my camera. Still have a long way to go with figuring out the different settings and such.

Went to check out The Avalon for the first time. Large, sprawling, and kinda complicated layout in my opinion. I was able to find really good parking after vulturing the parking deck for awhile, which was super nice considering how cold it was. Originally wanted to eat lunch, and then wander around and look/window shop, but it was sooo windy! 34 Fahrenheit, with super blustery cold wind, made it miserable to walk. Sad to miss out on the beautiful clear day, but ugh.

Tried pretty much the first place we came across, Branch & Barrel. Jan 12 (Taken Jan 13 2018)
 Branch & Barrel was alright. Not great by any means, and honestly, the best thing they had was their large soft pretzel.
Really tasty Soft Pretzel, with mustard and beer cheese sauce Jan 13 (Taken Jan 13 2018)

Rather pricey, with an okay beer list, okay food, and okay apps. Don't regret giving it a try, but will not choose to return either.

Brown Bear Ale, unnoteworthy taste, but I had to get it because it's a Brown Bear Ale!! Jan 14 (Taken Jan 13 2018)
The next day we got together with good friends to have a belated b-day celebration.

Korean BBQ right next to Jusgo in Duluth Jan 15 (Taken Jan 14 2018)
Tasty place, high quality meats, and they cook it for you which is nice. Had a lovely time chatting with great people <3

Little Bear made an appearance before the grilling commenced Jan 16 (Taken Jan 14 2018)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Daily pics and random thoughts.

Singapore Bears gifted to us from flight attendants to say thank you for the chocolates we gave them :3 Jan 6
(Taken Jan 10 2018)
I went to run errands on Monday morning, only to walk out into the garage and find flat tires. Well, one really flat and 2 semi-flat tires. *sigh* We ordered a compressor so we can fill them at home as needed, and it came today! *Rejoice* My car is now mobile, if feeling a little strange (I may have slightly overfilled one) but I'm leery about driving around. Going to try and have Kitsune move my car slowly while I look for a nail or something. Being able to move my car allowed me to pull out the Christmas decoration boxes, so I took advantage of the mild weather and took the outside decorations down. I know! Shock! Awe! I'm also NOT the last house to do so! Ha ha!

Happy Shark just chillin on his Turtler friend Jan 7 (Taken Jan 10 2018)
I've been good so far this year about working out in our home boxing gym. Slowly trying to build muscle and core strength (I am severely lacking in both >.<) Not pushing myself super hard, trying to keep a steady schedule, and maintaining a steady soreness. Really don't want to burn myself out, or hurt myself, or push too hard and have to wait a week before I feel like I can move. 

Racoon Mug Jan 8 (Taken Dec 25 2017)
I'm still knitting like a fiend. Not actually completing much, but at least I think I am learning? Having to restart as often as I do is a bit of a downer, but I'm not following patterns as much. That's the trade off I suppose, since I still don't really know what I am doing. Learned to cable knit a hat the other day, and it looks great, but I the needles I used weren't the size I thought they were and the hat is too tight. *sigh* 

Handmade Christmas gift for family Jan 9 (Taken Dec 19 2017)
Started to make up a list of things to pack for our Asia trip, also things to remember to do before we go. Trying to learn as much about my new camera and my new lenses before we leave. There is such a learning curve, but I am really enjoying trying things out and seeing what I can create. 

Ruby Falls Cavern Jan 10 (Taken Dec 22 2017)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

2018 and Tree Bears hibernation begins soon

Tree Bear is wrapping up his 2017 job soon. He is a bit sad, a bit tired, and rather proud of his wonderful tree topping job this year. 

Going to try to take and blog more photos/video this year. I did fairly well back in 2016, and completely bombed in 2017. I just got to keep trying yeah?

Technically this was last year, but I'm gonna use it as my Jan 1 photo :D No one said it had to be the day you took it!
(Taken Dec 22 2017)
Fox and I went on a super fun mini-vacay to Chattanooga right before Christmas 2017. The above is in the falls room at Ruby Falls.

Beast & Barrel in Chattanooga. Jan 2 photo (Taken Dec 21 2017)

Little Bear and his new friends! Happy Shark and Turtler :D Jan 3 photo (Taken Dec 22 2017)
Turtleception/infinity turtle? Jan 4 photo (Taken Dec 22 2017) 
I love the above photo :D Kistune gifted me an amazing new camera to learn photography on. It's ability to take super sharp and awesome photos even in the low light of Tennessee Aquarium blew me away. For anyone wondering, it's the Lumix GX85.

The Spymasters Leighton and Anna. Jan 5 photo (Taken Dec 25 2017)
I love Leightons camera lens. We swapped lenses out for funzies and OMG. My lens is a good beginners lens, but his lens is so amazing. Definitely something I am hoping to be able to graduate to at some point. The downside is of course the thing is massive :P

Ma ma cuddling Little Bear as he is the only "baby" Kitsune and I will have :D  (2014)

On a sad note, Ma ma in Hong Kong passed away on Christmas Day 2017. Her funeral was today, Jan 6th. Since Kitsune and I are already booked to go on our vacation over there soon, we were unable to swing being able to fly over for the funeral. Kitsunes family posted lovely photos of the service, and we will all miss Ma ma.

Ma ma thought my hat was silly and made her look like a mouse. It did haha. It was supposed to be a bear hat, but I chose unfortunate colors >.<' (2014)
Hot Pot family dinner (2012) We love you Ma ma!