Thursday, March 15, 2018

Taipei Main Station

Mr Brown and Bear!
Our hotel this year was near Taipei Main Station, so Kitsune and I took the time to explore it for once. Sad to say, but we had no idea how much stuff was there! An entire level (Breeze) that was food! Tasty food at that. Our minds were blown.

Just flipped Okonomiyaki. Best Okonomiyaki I've had so far :D
 Kitsune really wanted to try Monjayaki for the first time. Normally we always have Okonomiyaki , which I really like, but Kitsune had been told the wonders of Monjayaki and wanted to see for himself. There is a small place in Taipei Main Station that is just for Monjayaki / Okonomiyaki  called Tenya that he had read about.

(Stock photo) 
Cute little place, unfortunately no english menus. Kitsune and our waited tried valiantly to figure out what the other was trying to say, and thankfully he was able to order both dishes to try. *Cheers*

Okonomiyaki with Kewpie, Oyster, and Wasabi sauce

Super tasty, and really pretty. 

Monjayaki raw ingredients
I actually have video of the waiter cooking our Monjayaki, but I still need to edit it. Coming soon! lol

Dazzling menu
Another amazing discovery was that Main Station has a Dazzling Cafe!!!  <3 <3 So much love!
We were stuffed from lunch, so we came back the next day to have some desserts and Honey Toast.

You are allotted one hour to sit and relax among the glitz and glamour.

I heart it so so hard hahaha <3 LOVE

Millie Crepe dessert thingy that Kistune wanted to try. Full of yummy fruits, it was actually really good. (I'm not super into crepes to be honest.)

Pretty desserts for the win!
Tasty Latte drink

*Squueeee* Honey Toast!! Also, that cup thingy in the corner, Kitsune got it for me! <3
So, the cup thingy in the corner of the above pic... there is a story there. Kistune and I were trying to figure out what the special was for, and google translate was just not being helpful at all. We tried to ask the waitress who unfortunately couldn't understand us. We thought that I could order my coffee in this cup, and take it home as a souvenir. So, Kitsune gets up to pay up front and order the cup for me. He comes back with a tiny box. wasn't a cup.

It's a battery! Ha! A cute small plastic battery charger thingy. Anyways.

Strawberry icecream honey toast
On to the Honey Toast! It's a toast box, with buttered toasted cubes of bread inside, with cream and ice cream, and fresh fruit on top. In the cute little pitcher on the side is honey you can drizzle.


I adore Honey Toast so much.

Why yes...yes I am :D
Eeeeee super cute donuts!!! I love the Shiba so much :D Yay for year of the Dog!

The real things, still really cute!
There was a Krispy Kreme there as well (we didn't eat any so not sure if too sweet or tasty or whatnot) but I thought that they were so cute and pretty! Love the decorations, and Shiba's!

Year of the Dog decorations are fabulous.

There were random wall art/photo opportunity spots. I thought this one was adorable 
We also discovered that there is a small Line Friends store!

Mr. Brown!! <3

He is just so cute! 

Mr. Brown!


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