Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Finally Home, Very Behind on Posts!

I had hoped to stay on top of our travels, blogging and posting photos while the events were fresh.

Yeah....pipe dreams.


Once in Hong Kong, Kitsune and I kept ourselves pretty busy. Visiting with family, hotel hopping, and exploring took up the majority of our time. Mostly the hotel hopping.

We stayed at 7 hotels in 16 days.

We spent 7 of those days in one hotel.

Jumping from hotel to hotel proved to be a very exhausting ordeal. Repacking, checking out, finding our way to the new place with our backpacks etc, checking in, really drained us. I definitely did not feel like editing photos or being on the computer after!

Anyways, I am currently editing photos, and going to pick up the blog when we arrived to Taipei from Alishan.

For now, trying to beat the jet lag, and the doldrums of being back home. Always hard to readjust to life at home after the fast pace of Asia.

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