Saturday, February 9, 2019

Yoshikawa Ryokan part 1 & Chisou Inaseya (for Chicken Sashimi O.o)

Yoshikawa Ryokan, is a wonderful place to stay. Definitely want to stay there again when we go back to Kyoto someday <3

We arrived in the evening, around 7pm. Dropped our stuff off, had some tea, and asked if they could secure us a reservation for dinner at Chisou Inaseya. Dinner was secured at 7:30pm, and we quickly finished up checking in and headed out.

Unfortunately, my stomach had been bothering me since before we left San Francisco. Because of this, I had no appetite, and felt completely unable to handle meat.

The whole reason to come to this place was to try their Chicken Sashimi. T.T

Kitsune was disappointed in my stomach, but tolerated the fact that I was unable to really contribute in eating a lot.

Chicken Sashimi Spread. All different cuts, and parts of the chicken.

Interesting grain on the chicken. I only tried one piece from the middle portion.
Honestly, Chicken Sashimi is kinda whatever. There really wasn't much difference from a typical white fish sashimi. There was a slight chicken flavor, but overall was a bit bland. Glad we were able to try it, but not something I would bother seeking out again.



We drank several different Nihonshu (sake) at the waiters recommendation. Kitsune and I each had something different and shared. A few bottles I wasn't quick enough to capture. I think we each had 3 different glasses of Nihonshu.

Lotus root and chicken ham salad
I did feel able to eat light foods, vinegar-ed preferably. Not pictured are the assorted Japanese pickles we ordered as well. Those pickles were soooooo good!

The Crispy Lotus Root and Chicken Ham Salad was super tasty. The tomatoes were juicy, the chicken ham was really flavorful (I couldn't eat much of that, because my stomach hated me). The whole thing was lightly vinegar-ed and so good.

We headed back to our Ryokan, quite tired, and found that they had laid out our futons for the evening. Kitsune was thrilled with these futon mattresses. They ended up being his favorite from the whole trip :D

In true Japanese style, you sit on the stool, fill the bucket with water, and douse yourself. You wash with the water off, quickly, and then rinse thoroughly. Once clean, you then step into the tub.

We took a shower and uncovered our prepared bath for a bit of a soak before bed. The tub is not drained, you just cover it up when finished, then replenish the displaced water with hot next time you soak.

Tea set that is set out each evening for after meal
The room we were given was on the second floor, and it was simply stunning. We were upgraded surprisingly, the room was spacious and super comfortable. The views of the interior garden were absolutely gorgeous! Littlebear completely approved :D

We both slept wonderfully that evening. Due to jet lag, we were up quite early, but enjoyed a leisurely morning before we were brought down to the private dinning room for our traditional Japanese breakfast.

 I was still a bit unsure how things worked, so felt uncomfortable bringing my camera and phone for the first breakfast. Once I realized photos were welcomed, I made sure to bring them both next time we went down to eat.

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