Monday, June 4, 2018

Ocean Park Hong Kong Videos

Just an FYI, I am not very good, or really even good at taking video. Sorry in advance! lol

This guy completely startled me. I had started to record in anticipation of a shark coming by, but I was not expecting such a creepy one! I totally gasped  😜

This was super funny. Just before I started to record, the small Pup surprised his mom and shoved her right off the ice block. This is him trying again and just being a nuisance to mom 😂

We spent a lot of time watching the Sealers (we both love them) and we lucky to be able to see a show!

Ocean Park Hong Kong

Ocean Park Entrance
Kitsune's birthday just passed, and to celebrate we went to the Georgia Aquarium. It's kind of tradition now for us to go on our birthdays since you get in free! Much rather pay one pass than two.

Anyways, we love Aquariums, and being there made me think of Ocean Park in Hong Kong. It's an Amusement Park with roller coasters and games, a Zoo with Pandas, Arctic Foxes, and other animals (we didn't do much of the zoo portion) and an Aquarium. We only were able to see half of the Aquarium offerings, the shark area and jelly fish part. We ran out of time before we were able to enter the large Aquarium building. Next time we definitely need to go as soon as they open so we can get the chance to see it all!

Side of the Mountain at Ocean Park Enterance
Here is a map of Ocean Park. We didn't really stop to do anything around the entrance, thinking we would start at the top and work our way back down. Instead of taking the Train that goes through the mountain, we chose the sky cable cars. I'm not terribly fond of heights (read: terrified) so the cars were a bit nerve wracking (read: white knuckled hold on Kitsune and the railing). Still, I think it was good that we gave it a shot and the view was impressive. When we headed back down, we took the Mountain Train.

Little Bear checking out the view from our lunch table 
We jumped on the Roller coaster rides first and had a total blast. Kistune bought our tickets with a bundle that included lunch at one of the restaurants inside the park, so we chose the BayView Restaurant since it was close to where we were. The food was mediocre, but the view was incredible. So once the rides and lunch were squared away, we delved more into the aquarium options.

Jellyfish Shrubbery on the way to Sea Jelly Spectacular

Littlebear Big Jelly! He was impressed with the shrubbery
Sea Jelly Spectacular was super cool. Like...literally super cool. I was freezing. The air was really low for some reason. Also, it was super cool in the "this is awesome!" sense. We had the place mostly too ourselves which made it even better.

The jelly's have a home of their own, the building is entirely for jellyfish. There are narrow winding walkway area, and it's pretty dark inside with the tanks glowing dark blues, purples, etc.

Jelly's going to the light
Jelly Close Up
Upside Down Jelly's
Tiny Jelly Blobs
Awesome Jelly Wall
The Jellyfish wall really neat. The small hallway opens into a larger room that has mirrors on the sides. The main wall is this jellyfish tank that would revolve colors to soft music. With the mirrors reflecting the main wall, it felt like you were surrounded by all the jellyfish. I loved that it looks like the have clover's inside them

I wasn't able to get any good pictures from the next area, but it was the best part. Small cylinder stand alone tanks dotted the room, with lights flashing and changing color inside them in time to Toccata & Fugue in D Minor. I have some video, but I am apparently utter TRASH at videoing T.T super unfortunate.

Super Creep Toothy Shark
There is an enormous fish tank where they have sharks and other fishes. You start at the very top of the tank looking down, then slowly wind your way down the tank to the bottom where the really creepy sharks are lurking. Eerily floating silently by, their beady eyes following your movements.

This guy watched me the whole time I was trying to get a clear picture. Super unerving
Bottom of the tank fishers

Very top of the tank, where you start your fishy adventure

Making our way down, some not so creepy sharks
Walking into the Arctic exhibit, awesome Polar Bear

Cute statutes of Arctic Foxes and Snowy Owl

Found some wooden Bear Carvings!
Arctic Foxer! Soooo fluff!
We had just exited the gift shop area for the Arctic Exhibition, and saw a doorway that we didn't notice before. So, in we go and low and behold....there were 4 Artic Foxers! OMG they are soooooo fluffy. And super cute.

What sucked hard core however, there was a family there with a young boy who kept screaming and pounding on the glass. Of course, there is a sign that says please be quiet and don't touch the glass.


Poor foxer was so stressed that he kept attacking the glass where the kid was. At first it seemed kinda cute, but quickly devolved into horrifying and so sad once we realized he wasn't playing, he was really upset. The whole time we stayed there, waiting for the family to leave so we could see what they would act like without the noise, but they just never left. Frustrating, and honestly made me super angry. Poor foxer family.

Despite all the nonsense, we loved getting to actually see Arctic Foxes in person. I was really surprised by their size, and just how fluffy their tails were. I really want to go back and see them again, hopefully when they are happy.

That was the last thing we were able to do on our trip, the park was closing down. We hopped on the train to take us down through the mountain, and unfortunately the Grand Aquarium had already locked their doors. So next time! Made our way to the rail-car and went back to Ovolo, our hotel, picked up our bags that they were holding for us, then made our way to our next destination.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Taipei Main Station

Mr Brown and Bear!
Our hotel this year was near Taipei Main Station, so Kitsune and I took the time to explore it for once. Sad to say, but we had no idea how much stuff was there! An entire level (Breeze) that was food! Tasty food at that. Our minds were blown.

Just flipped Okonomiyaki. Best Okonomiyaki I've had so far :D
 Kitsune really wanted to try Monjayaki for the first time. Normally we always have Okonomiyaki , which I really like, but Kitsune had been told the wonders of Monjayaki and wanted to see for himself. There is a small place in Taipei Main Station that is just for Monjayaki / Okonomiyaki  called Tenya that he had read about.

(Stock photo) 
Cute little place, unfortunately no english menus. Kitsune and our waited tried valiantly to figure out what the other was trying to say, and thankfully he was able to order both dishes to try. *Cheers*

Okonomiyaki with Kewpie, Oyster, and Wasabi sauce

Super tasty, and really pretty. 

Monjayaki raw ingredients
I actually have video of the waiter cooking our Monjayaki, but I still need to edit it. Coming soon! lol

Dazzling menu
Another amazing discovery was that Main Station has a Dazzling Cafe!!!  <3 <3 So much love!
We were stuffed from lunch, so we came back the next day to have some desserts and Honey Toast.

You are allotted one hour to sit and relax among the glitz and glamour.

I heart it so so hard hahaha <3 LOVE

Millie Crepe dessert thingy that Kistune wanted to try. Full of yummy fruits, it was actually really good. (I'm not super into crepes to be honest.)

Pretty desserts for the win!
Tasty Latte drink

*Squueeee* Honey Toast!! Also, that cup thingy in the corner, Kitsune got it for me! <3
So, the cup thingy in the corner of the above pic... there is a story there. Kistune and I were trying to figure out what the special was for, and google translate was just not being helpful at all. We tried to ask the waitress who unfortunately couldn't understand us. We thought that I could order my coffee in this cup, and take it home as a souvenir. So, Kitsune gets up to pay up front and order the cup for me. He comes back with a tiny box. wasn't a cup.

It's a battery! Ha! A cute small plastic battery charger thingy. Anyways.

Strawberry icecream honey toast
On to the Honey Toast! It's a toast box, with buttered toasted cubes of bread inside, with cream and ice cream, and fresh fruit on top. In the cute little pitcher on the side is honey you can drizzle.


I adore Honey Toast so much.

Why yes...yes I am :D
Eeeeee super cute donuts!!! I love the Shiba so much :D Yay for year of the Dog!

The real things, still really cute!
There was a Krispy Kreme there as well (we didn't eat any so not sure if too sweet or tasty or whatnot) but I thought that they were so cute and pretty! Love the decorations, and Shiba's!

Year of the Dog decorations are fabulous.

There were random wall art/photo opportunity spots. I thought this one was adorable 
We also discovered that there is a small Line Friends store!

Mr. Brown!! <3

He is just so cute! 

Mr. Brown!


Taipei Aloft, Pretty Parks

Dinner at W XYZ Bar, Aloft restaurant 
This year we decided to change things up and stayed at the Aloft in Taipei. Every year before we stayed at the Park Taipei in Daan because of how close it was to Dongmen etc. Trying to branch out, and gain/use StarPoints with SPG, we chose the Aloft in the Zhongshan district. 

Cool place, really convenient to the MRT. Definitely has a Millennial working vibe to it. Comfortable place, I think we will be staying here again. 

Picture in our hotel room
Stealthy Kistune shot, and pretty flowers
One day we chose to wander around and see what kind of things to find, like temples, parks, or open markets. We came across this really cute small park first.

Loved the colors we found
Bunny seat

Rooster seat
Cute stone seats, and a bunch of neat random things were scattered about the park.

Random giant beetle

super pretty flowers


Random goats
Another random giant beetle 

Optical Illusion 

Cute little hut thingy

Bull, and wagon
Neat trees and cool buildings surrounding the park